Passwordless authentication for your users with just an email.
Do you have users? Let them log in easily without a password, using magic links.
Create your app Read the docs allows application developers to stop worrying about user authentication and login systems.

From a UX perspective, it also simplifies the login process for the user by replacing the use of passwords with just their email address.

Allows you to uniquely, securely and privately identify the users of your application with just two API requests.

Create your app
Register your app to get your secret and use it to request authorizations for your users.
Auth your users
Use the user email and your app secret to request authorisation. The service will send a magic link to this email address.
Validate sessions
Use the generated token to validate the user session, identify your users or restrict some actions.

How it works?

Private and secure

No user data is stored, including email. The service only stores the last valid token and the user identifier.


Users are redirected to your site and their session duration is configurable.

Pay per use

Each application starts with a limit of 100 active users. If need to increase this limit you will can purchase different user packs.

Open source

All the code is publicly available on Github, you can also host the service yourself.

About the magic links

Magic links are secure URLs with an expiration time, sent to a user's email to perform actions like logging in without a password.

It redirects to the an authenticated users to your web or service including a smart token.

Smart token
app_id - user_id - random_id
Ex: 9c325a938b6c2cde-9c325a93-cc4320ede45f46ef

The token identifies an a single user and a valid session associated with your application. The token is generated by the service and sent to the user's email.

Passwordless: The user only needs an active email account.
Self-contained: Includes metadata information.
Private: Discloses no user data.
Temporal: The token expiration is defined by the app admin.

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